Ever Heard of the Cell Danger Response?

The Key to Cellular Resilience

As a Naturopathic Doctor, my mission is to promote optimal health and well-being in children through natural, holistic approaches. Today, I want to shed light on an essential concept in pediatric health known as the "Cell Danger Response." Understanding this response is vital because it can help us identify and address the root causes of many childhood health issues. By recognizing the Cell Danger Response, we can work towards creating a healthier future for our little ones.

What is the Cell Danger Response?

The Cell Danger Response (CDR) is a protective mechanism that occurs at the cellular level when the body senses potential threats, such as infections, toxins, physical or psychological stress. This response activates a series of biological reactions aimed at preserving cellular integrity and maintaining overall health. The CDR is the body's way of prioritizing survival over growth and repair.

In children, whose immune systems and detoxification mechanisms are still developing, the Cell Danger Response plays a crucial role in guarding their health.

Common Triggers of the Cell Danger Response in Children

  1. Infections: Bacterial, viral, helminth, and fungal infections are common triggers for the CDR. The body mobilizes its defense mechanisms, such as fever, to fight off the invading pathogens.

  2. Toxicants: Children are exposed to a multitude of environmental toxins, from pesticides to heavy metals, which activate the CDR as the body attempts to neutralize and eliminate these threats from the body.

  3. Psychological Stress: Stress, anxiety, and emotional trauma can also trigger the CDR in children. The body perceives these emotional stressors as threats and initiates a protective response.

The Cell Danger Response or “healing cycle” is activated when the cellular stress exceeds the capacity of restorative sleep to repair damage and restore normal cell-cell communication. CDR is the same adaptive primitive protective response to all triggers listed above.

Once the threat is neutralized, choreographed sequence of anti-inflammatory and regenerative pathways are activated to move through the 3 stages of CDR:

  1. Replace lost cells

  2. Restore normal organ function

  3. Achieve homeostasis and HEAL

Metabolic MEMORY of the exposure that led to the CDR is stored. This is called mitocellular hormesis: cellular memory of how to deal with physiological and psychological threat even better next time. Leading to CELLULAR RESILIENCE.

The Role of Chronic Inflammation

In a healthy response, the CDR activates inflammation to fight off threats. However, when the CDR is continuously triggered due to chronic issues, such as persistent infections, toxins, or emotional stress, OR the body gets stuck in the CDR, chronic inflammation can develop. This chronic inflammation can lead to various health problems in children, including Autism, ADHD, PANS/PANDAS, allergies, asthma, and autoimmune disorders.

Naturopathic Approaches to Support the CDR in Children:

  • Microbiome optimization:

    • 70% of our immune system is in our GUT! Our gut is one of our first and largest interfaces with the outside world (toxins, pathogens, foods)

    • Healthy gut = healthy immune system

    • Support the microbiome:

      • Daily intake of probiotic-rich foods or probiotics

      • Fiber, fiber, fiber to feed the healthy microbes in our microbiome. The easiest way to get in your daily needs of fiber is to eat half your plate in vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes at each meal (breakfast, lunch, & dinner)

        • Children 1-3 years: 19 grams of fiber daily

        • Children 4-8 years: 25 grams of fiber daily

        • Children 9-13 years: at least 26 grams of fiber daily

      • Eating the rainbow - we need phytonutrients to have a healthy gut

      • Limit added sugars and processed foods that disrupt the healthy microbiome and contribute to overgrowth of opportunistic pathogens

        • There is NO nutritional benefit of processed added sugars. Limit as much as you can at home.

      • Daily movement: exercise has beneficial effects on the gut microbiome diversity and function independent of diet!

      • Stimulate the Vagus nerve to optimize the gut-brain connection: humming, singing, diaphragmatic breathing, gratitude/loving kindness, laughter, EFT tapping, mindfulness/meditation

  • Mitochondrial support:

    • Our mitochondria are the energy centers within our cells, but they are also really great sensors for our environment.

    • Many medications like Ibuprofen, Naproxen (Aleve), Acetaminophen (Tylenol), doxycycline, and likely vaccinations, infections, heavy metals, mold, pesticides (Glyphosate), hypoxia (altitude), psychological trauma, sleep deprivation, alcohol, poor nutrition among many others are mitotoxic insults.

    • We have microbiome-mitochondria crosstalk. There is a direct correlation between microbiota quality and diversity with mitochondrial function. Microbiome metabolite like short chain fatty acids (SCFA’s - come from fiber in our diet that is fermented), neurotransmitters, polyphenols, b-vitamins) regulate mitochondrial biogenesis and functioning.

      • Healthy microbiome = healthy mitochondria

    • Reduce mitochondrial stressors:

      • Excessive exercise, fasting and dehydration, extreme temperatures for long periods of time, altitude, heavy metals, medications listed above

    • Strength training has been shown to increase production of mitochondria

    • Sleep!!!

    • Eat the rainbow! Phytonutrients are mitochondrial supportive.

    • Supplements I consider when children may be stuck in the CDR and want to support their mitochondria:

      • Coq10, B vitamins, phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine), glutathione, SPM’s

  • Support Detoxification:

    • Supporting the body's natural detoxification pathways can help eliminate toxins that trigger the CDR. Techniques such as sweat-inducing activities and liver support are essential in this process.

    • Learn more about supporting your child’s natural detoxification pathways here.

  • Stress Management:

    • The default state in both the brain and peripheral tissues is CDR activation. In the absence of additional information, danger and threat are assumed.

    • Healing is an active process that requires positive reinforcement with signals of non-danger, safety, and security from the brain.

    • Encouraging stress-reduction techniques in children, such as mindfulness, play, time in nature, diaphragmatic breathing and gratitude, and acupuncture can help prevent chronic emotional stress from triggering the CDR.

      • Teach your child to belly breathe:

        • Sit or lie comfortably

        • Place one hand on chest and the other hand on the belly

        • Pretend there’s a balloon on their belly that they need to inflate every time you take a deep inhale, and deflate fully with every exhale

        • Breathe in through their nose and fill that balloon, noticing the hand on the belly rise, and the hand on their chest staying still

        • Breathe out through their mouth, feeling the hand on the belly sink all the way down, while the hand on their chest remains still

    • Dawn Huebner, PhD’s kids “self-help books” are wonderful

    • 5-minute breathing meditation both children and adults can do to signal to the body it is safe and allow the body to activate the parasympathetic nervous system (where we rest, digest, and repair)

  • Immune Modulation:

    • Naturopathic modalities like herbal remedies, probiotics, nutraceuticals, and lifestyle changes can strengthen a child's immune system, allowing the body to respond effectively to infections.

Understanding the Cell Danger Response in children is essential for promoting their well-being. Join Healthy Families Collective, a membership community, and learn how to support the body's natural ability to adapt, protect, and heal. By focusing on the gut microbiome, mitochondrial optimization, detoxification, stress management, and immune modulation we can help children thrive, allowing them to grow and develop in a healthy and balanced way. Let's work together to provide the best possible long-term health for the next generation!

Michelle Young

I'm a licensed naturopathic doctor based San Diego offering high-level care & support to families. I'm so glad you're here! I am here to empower you to take control of your family’s health.


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