Welcome! We’re so happy you are here. You are looking for answers about you / your child’s health or you want to prevent future disease, and that is exactly what we are going to do together. Many of our patients come to see us because conventional or “Western” medicine has failed them. And they are frustrated because they have spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars with no resolution. But we have good news, you have options!

Depending on you / your child’s health history, constitution, and vitality, we use a combination of therapies below to help you and your child heal. Not just remove the symptoms, but truly heal from the inside out. We create individualized care plans for each patient depending on what your child needs and we work together to get your child back to health. These healing tools use the healing power of nature to stimulate, repair, energize, and detox the body so that it can come back into balance.


Nutrition & Lifestyle

Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food. Each child has individual nutrient needs and requirements, and this must be addressed. Nutrition and lifestyle habits must be addressed before additional treatments because they are two of the determinants of health. We cannot out supplement or detox our way out of a poor diet or stressful home life. Nutrition, sleep, movement, connection, emotions, and spirituality are all priorities and discussed with each patient. Under our guidance, we help families achieve balance in each of these areas with ease and intentionality.


Homeopathy & Biotherapeutic Drainage

There is no other treatment as safe, effective, and side-effect free as homeopathy. Created by Samuel Hahneman in 1796, Homeopathy is a form of medicine that has been used around the world for hundreds of years. It is based on the law of similars, which means what a substance can cause, it can cure. This form of medicine addresses the vital force of the patient, root cause, and the symptoms your child is presenting with. Homeopathy is curative often when no other treatments work.

Biotherapeutic drainage is a form of homeopathy where homeopathic remedies are used in combination to open up the body’s emunctories. Emunctories are our drainage pathways, i.e. our brain, breath, skin, kidney’s, abdomen, menstruation, and mitochondria. When these drainage pathways are stimulated and encouraged to open, the body begins to remember what it is supposed to do.

One huge bonus of this category of medicine is that it is inexpensive and children love taking their “sugar pellets”!


Herbal Medicine

Botanical medicine is the use of plant material from the Earth, given to us to heal disease and stimulate the body to heal. All plants contain phytochemicals that have individual therapeutic properties and thus cause physiological and emotional changes when used internally or applied topically. Herbal medicine is complex and should be used under the guidance of a trained professional, especially when used with children. Because they are small but very mighty and can do damage when not used properly. I truly believe that plants were gifts from our Creator and are powerful tools for healing, and I see this true with patients daily!

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Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a unique form of bodywork that bridges the realms of both physical palpation and energetic work. It consists of light touch on the head, skull, and sacrum to guide the body to optimal cranial waves. Most kiddos and teenagers will say they don’t feel like anything is happening during treatment but will notice significant improvements afterwards and the days following. CST is oftentimes incorporated into my visits at no extra charge if it’s what your child’s body needs.

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We do not believe that every child needs to be on x, y, and z supplement because every human has different needs and requirements! However, supplements can be a great tool for healing when used properly. Our goal is always to get you / your child feeling better and staying healthy long-term, while not having to be on a bag full of supplements for the rest of their life. Our practitioners have extensive training in using nutraceuticals for treatment of a range of conditions like parasites, gut permeability, suppressed immune system, mold toxicity, ADD/ADHD, etc.