Here at Young Medicine, it is our goal to be fully transparent with our prices.

Young Medicine does not have a time-based pricing structure. Instead, you are paying for your practitioner’s knowledge and expertise during your allotted appointment. Inevitably, some appointments end early and some end right on time, but either way the price will be the same. Before ending a visit, we will always ask if you have any follow-up questions or concerns in case you have some burning questions with the last minutes of the appointment!

We are not contracted with any insurance providers and do not bill insurance directly, which allows us to give your family and child the best care possible. Some labs and services can be independently submitted to insurance for reimbursement. Please contact your insurance provider to understand your benefits.

Payment is expected at the time of service. We accept all major credit cards & cash in-person.


After your initial complimentary consult, Dr. Michelle will determine which type of initial consultation will best suit your needs.

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Standard initial appointment: $425

75 minutes

Complex initial appointment: $499

90 minutes

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30 minutes

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45 minutes


Only available for established patients

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45 minutes

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$80-100 based on time & complexity

25 minutes


Walk away feeling empowered and educated to make the best decision for your family

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Individual consult: $415-60 minutes