Natural Remedies for Fevers: What You Need to Know as a Parent


I know fevers aren’t easy for parents and children alike.

But would it help if I told you fevers can actually be a good thing? 

It’s true! 

As long as your child is older than 3 months old, fevers are a good sign that the immune system is functioning properly!

Now, with that being said, you should still keep a close eye on your kiddo if they have a fever. Certain symptoms can clue us in to what might be going on within the body.

Not sure what I’m talking about?

Let’s clear up any confusion by talking about all things fevers, so you feel confident knowing when and how to treat your child at home and when to see your doctor!

What’s Happening During a Fever?

When a pathogen enters your child’s body, the immune system releases chemicals that increase heat and our core temperature. [1] 

This creates an environment where many viruses and bacteria cannot survive, and it also helps kill off any foreign invaders. Our bodies are SO intentionally made! 

This means fevers play an important, protective role in the body’s defense against infections!

What Are Common Symptoms of Fevers in Kids? 

Just as a fever makes the virus uncomfortable within your body, it unfortunately does the same for your child.

But remember – some discomfort is normal.

Common symptoms of a fever include:

  • Shivering

  • Chills

  • Headaches

  • Muscle aches

  • Loss of appetite

  • Fatigue & general weakness [2] 

These symptoms come as a response to the body’s increase in temperature and because it’s working hard to fight off an invader.

In most cases, these symptoms are completely normal!

Temperature: What Thermometer Should You Use?

Let’s talk temperature.

Before we get into the numbers and what they mean, you first need to understand how to take a proper temperature at home.

It’s best to use a digital thermometer to get the most accurate reading, which you can use in a few different ways – 

#1.) Rectal temperature

Best used with babies and children up to 3 years old.


  • First, clean the thermometer with alcohol before using.

  • Next, lubricate the bulb (you can use coconut oil or non-petroleum jelly). 

  • Then lay your child across your lap, or on their back on the ground with their knees to chest.

  • Slowly and gently insert the thermometer about ½ - 1 inch into the rectum and hold there until the thermometer beeps.

*This is the most accurate temperature. Every parent with young kiddos should have a rectal temperature thermometer on hand.

#2.) Oral temperature

Used most often with children ages 4 and older who can hold a thermometer in their mouth.


  • First, clean the thermometer with alcohol before using.

  • Next, place the thermometer at the base of your child’s tongue and have them close their lips over the thermometer (no teeth!).

Hold here until the thermometer beeps to take a reading.

#3.) Axillary (armpit)

This can be a quick way to take an initial check, or use with kiddo’s whose temperature cannot be safely taken orally or through the rectum.


  • First, place a clean thermometer under the center of your child’s armpit.

  • Then lower your child’s arm down over the thermometer.

  • Wait until the thermometer beeps.

This method is not as accurate as rectal or oral temperature, so I recommend using the two above when you can!

What to Look For: When to Treat Your Child vs. Talk to a Doctor.

So, what numbers are we looking for when we take your child’s temperature? 

Here’s how different temperatures are defined:

Low-grade: 100.4 - 102.2 ℉

Medium-grade: 102.2 - 104.5 ℉

High-grade: > 104.5 ℉

The numbers are a helpful guide. But I always tell parents to treat their child, not a number on the thermometer.

When To Consider Supporting Your Child At Home? 

A low-grade fever can almost always be treated at home, as long as it is not accompanied by any abnormal symptoms.

For instance, watch your child for changes in…

  • Mood 

  • Muscle tone

  • Appetite 

  • Signs of dehydration

  • Stiff neck & headache

In general, if they’re displaying common symptoms of a fever but still feel like your normal kiddo, this is a safe sign to let the fever run its course and support the body with natural remedies!

When Should You Reach Out to Your Doctor? 

The symptoms your child is experiencing can give us a clue as to the seriousness of the situation. 

Here are a list of signs/situations when you should reach out to your doctor:

  • Your baby <3 months of age has a fever (even if it’s low-grade)

  • Rectal temperature >39C or >102F

  • Your child has a high-grade fever

  • Not responsive

  • Stiff neck 

  • Pale skin

  • Vomiting or diarrhea

  • Rashes

  • Sore throat without a cough 

  • Fever lasting longer than 3-4 days

  • Dehydration 

    • feeling dizzy or lightheaded

    • dry mouth, lips, and eyes

    • peeing smaller quantities and/or less often

These could be signs of things like: serious bacterial infection, like pneumonia, meningitis, or a UTI (urinary tract infection). 

If this is the case, we want your child in the hands of a medical professional to help guide you. 

Go through this list of symptoms and lean into your mama intuition on this.

When in doubt, reach out to your trusted healthcare provider or the local children’s hospital if you have any concerns.

Natural Remedies to Support Fevers 

Treatments for fevers can involve supporting your child’s immune system and also reducing the body’s temperature naturally.

Depending on the nature of your child’s fever, I may recommend specific natural treatments for fevers. But all of these are safe to use at home!

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! 

No matter how mild your child’s fever is, they should be drinking plenty of fluids!

To encourage hydration:

  • Create infused-water (offer in small sips or create popsicles)

  • Eat hydrating foods (watermelon, cucumber, strawberries)

  • Focus on electrolytes (Goodonya Organics electrolyte powder is amazing to keep around for the whole family)

  • Serve bone broth (can be made at home or purchased at the store!) or coconut water

  • Small sips are key. Don’t expect them to chug a whole cup of water at once. Instead continually remind them to take a couple sips throughout the day!

Top tip: Steer clear of Gatorade and other sugary sports drinks for electrolytes. Processed sugar depletes the immune system (which is currently working hard!).

Plenty of rest

Sleep is the most powerful natural method of recovery from illness. If your kiddo has a fever (or is sick in any way), do your best to limit electronics. When they’re in bed, they should be resting!

If a fever (& other symptoms) are severely effecting their sleep, consider treatments that will decrease symptoms and allow them to get a better nights rest. Sleep is so important for the immune system and allowing the body to come back to homeostasis.

Wet sock treatment

This cheap and easy treatment can work wonders for supporting a fever! This natural home remedy gives the immune system the support it needs to fight off an infection. 

For step-by-step instructions, check out this post here. 

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil has a cooling effect that may help bring down your kiddo’s fever. [3]

Try rubbing a few drops of peppermint oil together between your fingers and applying it to the back of your child’s neck and spine.

Cool washcloth

Place a cool washcloth or rag over your child’s forehead or on the back of their neck to help reduce their body temperature. 

Make sure to wring out the water before placing it on your child’s skin, or it will drip and could cause more chill than comfort.

Room-temperature baths

A room-temp bath (not too warm, not too cool) can help lower your child’s body temperature and fever naturally. 

However, I recommend only doing this if your child is not sweating. Sweating means your child’s body is actively trying to reduce its temperature, and it’s best to let it do its thing!

Homeopathic remedies

Here are my favorites:

  • Homeopathic Chamomilla

  • Homeopathic Belladonna

  • Homeopathic Aconite

These are all gentle and effective!

To learn how to safely administer these medicines to your child at home, check out my online course, Homeopathy for the Whole Family!

You can also purchase the supplements listed above for 15% off at my online store.

We recommend limiting exposure to others until the temperature has been normal without medication for at least 24 hours. This is especially important for immune-compromised individuals such as newborns, pregnant women, individuals with cancer, and the elderly.

Let’s Not Fear the Fever!

I hope you now understand how most fevers are actually helpful!

However, it’s important to keep an eye out for signs of a more serious health issue. Use your best judgment and if you’re ever concerned, always reach out to a healthcare professional!

If you need a trusted naturopathic doctor in your corner who you can turn to, Dr. Michelle is here to serve you and answer all of your questions on our community forum. Join Healthy Families Collective today to get the support your deserve!





Michelle Young

I'm a licensed naturopathic doctor based San Diego offering high-level care & support to families. I'm so glad you're here! I am here to empower you to take control of your family’s health.


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